is the night blackest when there is no one besides you?
It's hard to say for someone who has always bin there by himself... [herself actually]... but is the night dark at all? it depends on what seems to be dark for a person... for me it is day... sun it disturbs me.. people they only bother me but the night when the moon is out and no ones' around I could say that it is the bright side of a day for me... but does it seem blacker if no ones next to you? does the things seems different when you are alone and when someone is besides you? probably they do cause you know only when you are alone you belong to yourself and so you are yourself.. the true self.... when there is at least a one other person with you.. you have to share the room with him/her and not only physical room also the one your mind lives in... and that changes the way you look at things cause now it is not just your point of view.. it's part of that other persons point too
just thinkin'
whail most of them sleeps
why do most of the people are afraid of dark or at least feels uncomfortable in it? is it because you can no see what is in front of you? but isn't that a marvelous feeling... no one thou can see and no one can see thee.. yes maybe there is someone behind the curtain of night but that just makes it all more interesting. to go into the unknown.. do not fear the night. it is true said that the biggest fears one can have is fear from the unknown. for me the night is cover, the night is home and I do not have fear of the dark and who ever is hiding in it. I greet them with an delighted smile no matter can I see them or not. do not fear the night my child, do not fear the unknown.. as it is only thy head who makes it all so fearfull. do not let thy head rule over thou. as it only wants to make thou weaker. but why is that so? why do our heads makes us fearfull?
just thinkin'
it's 11 pm an hour till midnight
59 minutes till midnight... why do people say that magic things happen in midnight? maybe cause that's the time when one day replace an other. but the time itself really is just a numbers on our clock. so what's with the magic 00:00 it looks kinda empty doesn't it? like noting hasn't begin yet, but actually it truly hasn't.. new day is here with nothing in it. just a blank day for a whole minute. isn't that a wonderful feeling? to be on a blank page with nothing besides you? like itš only you there.. nothing more. then and only then you can see yourself. when there is nothing besides you. i wish that minute from 00:00 till 00:01 would last forever. cause when it hits 00:01.. something has happened, nothingness has been repliced with one digit. tough it is nothing more than a digit still it is something more than nothing. the same is with the blank page and you on it. when something gets near... the place has changed and you are not the same anymore. human is just a follower of chaos theory. the slightest change in circumstances leads to massive changes in the mechanism [human actions] itself....
just thinkin'
Ziņas (Atom)