for some unknown reason up until now I haven't made an entry about my all time favorite album but today I am going to fix this... and the album is Katatonia's 'Viva Emptiness' let me start with the title which itself is absolutely wonderful and I can only agree with it so lets cheer VIVA EMPTINESS!!! second comes the album cover which is also nothing but amazingly gorgeous just look on it.. it's grey what already gives live ever so much points.. and then there is this child with a bag full luch symbols like a horse shoe and a swan feathers and some bones... inside artwork is blody mindblowing too but the look of it I'll keep as a secret between thous who own the album....
so generaly it's about a guy who's in mafia just working his way too the top but something goes wrong and then he deciedes to leave the business but you know how it is with mafia you can never run away form them and they will find you... you can not hide from them but still he trys and plans how to get away... a long with that he also has a love to which he is faitfull and in the last track which for reasons unknown to me has been cut form the album but is ment to be as the last one he asks "wait for me outside will you hold on? can you hold on?"
I can listen to this album from stat till the end and then back again... I just recommend you give it a try
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