and I don't know what to do with myself anymore..
my head is spinning.. am I drunk?
my loins are burning.. have I run?
my skin is burning and if you looked closely I can bet you could see it vaporizing.. steams coming out of it
couldn't move a muscle if I tried. utter exhaustion.
so I am just laying here with my eyes slowly blinking. open. shut. open. shut...
some thoughts sailing trough my head like windjammers in breezeless sea. somewhere there at horizon. can barely see them but I don't really care.
challenge myself and think of some duties. something I should be doing. something that normally would make me uneasy. no. I don't care. I'll deal with it. time will come I'll deal with it but now...
I never thought life could be so peaceful
the rest of the world. there's no rest of the world. not now. now there's just me, her, this room and that's it.
how lovely.
I can't think, just feel and oh how I enjoy that.
I feel like drone music. like something from Sunn o))) something slow and full of the beauty of stillness.
she made me this way
oh how lovely.
I feel so empty yet as if I was everywhere and everywhere was me and she was above cause I had came from her trough her