please carbonate that for me
I just in the news heard that americans are going to make and sell carbonated milk... can you imagine that? have they really sank that deep that they can not drink something that is not carbonated... have can you even imagine to take and add bubbles to milk? when I imagine the taste of that.... lets just say I get sick... really sick...... what will be next? carbonated shits so it's easyer to poop for thous brainless mutants?
what.. the... FUCK?
it's 15 min past midnight and I am watching 12 monkeys for at least an half hour already and what can I say? it's one hell of a magnificent movie... in local torrent tracker some ever so kind person put 3 packs of mindfuck movies [isn't that gorgeous? ^^] and now I am taking one at the time... last night I watched "Being John Malkovich" also an interesting movie but back to the "12 monkeys" gosh I love how B Pitt plays a lunatic there.. it seems so very right and how it should be.. well at least for me maybe cause if I ever become a total lunatic [and I am starting to belive that it is just a question of when not if..] I would act just the same.. I sometimes ac half of it already -giggle- gosh that's one ameizing movie already glad that I picked it over all thous other ones... well I'll go back to watching now ^^
with nighty greetings, Shadow mistress

isn't this one great poster... when I'll get my own apaertment I must have it on the wall
I heard this track on The Simpsons once and tough... gosh I love it I wonder where it comes from.. well now I know that and I have already got it... must put on my mp3
with nighty greetings, Shadow mistress
isn't this one great poster... when I'll get my own apaertment I must have it on the wall
I heard this track on The Simpsons once and tough... gosh I love it I wonder where it comes from.. well now I know that and I have already got it... must put on my mp3
funeral song
once my friend asked me have I ever tough about any specific song or songs that I would like them to play in my funeral. I've seen such question before in some forums but have never really tough about it much suppose I just hadn't found the one... but now I think I have... maybe... well I love the song and it got the atmopshere and all.... it's Katatonia - Omerta [Omerta by the way is a code of silence in mafia] I could now talk much around and about the song meaning and all but... I think I'll let your mind to work on it yourself...
live from storm
the storm is hear... gigantic ice balls are falling from sky [it's summer but it's iceballs falling not rain... this is how fucked up the climant is] I looove storms... gosh that thunder almost blew up my ears... I got my headphones on so it's all fine.... now it's raining even more and lightning is ever so bright.... I love it I want to just run out and greet the all mighty forces of nature personaly... with me.. in the middle of it all.. I am going out on a balcony..... I am all wet it's not raining it's just river falling down on here.... all hail forces of nature \m/ human is powerless the nature holds the power and we all should obey it or else... we'll die.... and I woudln't mind seeing some fucked up humans die because they do not obey nature.... fuck them all lets kill them all... ALL HAIL FORCES OF NATURE!!! \m/
Weeds mother fucker
I love Weeds... that's the best fucking show ever... just watched the final episode of season two and.... Hell Yeah \m/_\m/ gosh I love it love it ^^ -claps- it's about a single mother with two boys who's also a drug dealer [she sells weed at the beginning but later she starts to grow her own weeds... but only weeds no deal with something chemical all natural -wink-] it's like all sunny and shit but... that chick sells weed... you have to see it it's so great.... k I am out going to download third season
oh and by the way the theme song also fucking kicks
oh and by the way the theme song also fucking kicks
into the lips of earth
it's starting again... I came back from camp and I tough it was over... like I slept kinda good for first couple of night but last night... I need sleeping pills... I could go to psyhiatrist [I can bet I spelled it so damn wrong but... don't really give a shit] and get some rugs from him... I think he/she would give me some pills I actualy have no doubts about it only the thing is.. I am too lazy to make a visit of any sorta....... am I afraid of dark? more and more I realyze that I really don't like to sleep during the night and again I find myself up late without realyzing waiting for the dawn to come so I can go to sleep... just..... don't like to.... lie.... and wait.... for the....... sleep to come..... too many......... in my head.... playing...... whispers...... and I am trembling..............it's hard to breath.. to breath in a crowd.... alone yet surounded by many... can not.... breath....... exosted and I am finaly exosted..... fall..... and sleep between wet pillows
a pack off..... gosh I love it
someone [who now I love and adore ever so much] just put a mindfuck movie pack in a local torrent tracker.... for your knowledge I am gigantic mindfuck movie fanat... FANAT... if you didn't know mindfuck movies are movies that plays with your head if you have seen A Beautyful Mind, Pi or Fight Club... thous are mindfuck movies if you havent well then long story short... tought actualy I think the name says it all.. mind-fuck as I am in a lack of computer memory I decided to download one movie at the time so now I am waiting for Being John Malkovitch from the poster it seemed cool and fiting into the ganre of mindfuck... there were somewhere about 20 movies in that pack but ofcurse I have already seen some of them but that still leaves more than 10 unseen mindfuck movies... gosh I am so excited -claps- ^^
go see a mindfuck movie and open your mind
go see a mindfuck movie and open your mind
eating strawberries in dark
yes I am up late... again.... as I always am and I am eating strawberries and it's very dark in here cause I am too lazy to turn light on but my desktop is very dark so almost no light comes from the screen... so I am eating thous red ones and trying not to swallow their green tops... shouldn't have said that I am eating strawberries.. it would sound cool if you would not know what am I talking about... it's dark in here and I am eating little red things and trying not to swallow their green tops.... what thous things could be? huh? [ohh by the way I am listening to Wardruna which is nefolk band from norway and they are singing in norway [gosh I looove it forever more] music makes a bit mystical atmosphere in here] and I am still eating thous red things with their green tophats.... little guys in red smokings and green tophats.. and I am eating them.. bite the hat off and spit it out or just chew it all and spit the hat out... you don't want that green one.. the flesh is what you desire the red flesh and nothing more... maybe thous guys aren't wearing smokings probably they are just neked and their skin has burned in the hot summer sun... all red thei stand in front of me with their green top hats on and I am eating them one by one... the flesh, the juice of them it keeps me awake it keeps me alive and I breath in the fresh summer nights air whail chuweing the flesh of thous who has burned red under the sun during the day... the night has come to end their paths.... now only thous green top hats remind of their existance that has passed.........
drink the night it will end your thirst that has killed you durring the day
from the shadows yours, Shadow mistress
drink the night it will end your thirst that has killed you durring the day
from the shadows yours, Shadow mistress
back away and back again
I am home... wippy wii wippy yee.... I suppose.... it's nice to leave home and go somewhere but after days spend in some other place strange feeling comes across and no matter how good or bad would you been doin' it feels like your place is calling you back... there is no softer bed than yours and no comfortable toilet than yours.... that goes with almost every single person and as for myself as you might know [nut if you didn't I am telling you know] I went to a camp and spend 7 days away from home and at the 4th day I had some kinda break down and were ready to do almost anything just to get back home... I even had a plan that I during the night could pack my tent and everything and run away no matter that the camp took place in a middle of nowhere I were ready to even walk my way home [no matter that the distance is more than 30 and maybe even 40 km] the only thing that held me back is that I had a room-mate [well actualy tent-mate as we were sleeping in tents] I didn't wanted to leave here tentless so I stayed.... tough most probably I could talk her into the escapeing mission but anywho.... but now I think gosh... that would be so awesome to just abandoned that place and go home and with this I mean that the going home itself [or the way we would get there] is the awesome part of it all.... should do something like that someday... I should.... I have always wanted to one day just leave what ever am I doing and go away like I could during the lesson stand up walk out of class and go to my country house or something like that.... marvelous in my head it seems indeed but I doupt that such covardly creature like me could ever do such thing.... a shame indeed a shame..... anywho the thing is [and I think any person who travels knows this] there is no place like home
just thinkin'
Ziņas (Atom)