it's 15 min past midnight and I am watching 12 monkeys for at least an half hour already and what can I say? it's one hell of a magnificent movie... in local torrent tracker some ever so kind person put 3 packs of mindfuck movies [isn't that gorgeous? ^^] and now I am taking one at the time... last night I watched "Being John Malkovich" also an interesting movie but back to the "12 monkeys" gosh I love how B Pitt plays a lunatic there.. it seems so very right and how it should be.. well at least for me maybe cause if I ever become a total lunatic [and I am starting to belive that it is just a question of when not if..] I would act just the same.. I sometimes ac half of it already -giggle- gosh that's one ameizing movie already glad that I picked it over all thous other ones... well I'll go back to watching now ^^
with nighty greetings, Shadow mistress
isn't this one great poster... when I'll get my own apaertment I must have it on the wall
I heard this track on The Simpsons once and tough... gosh I love it I wonder where it comes from.. well now I know that and I have already got it... must put on my mp3
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