I am audiholic... I am always in need for a new listening material.. I like to spend hours and hours in last.fm looking for some interesting bands and unknown music genres... but as I discover more it only gets clearer.... now and then I get really into some specific genre and love it till the bone but after some time I'll jump to next one ever so easy... but I think I can say now.. reveal my one true love... and it's depressive rock though it has rock in it it's more of a metal than rock subgenre and mostly it stays for lighter doom metal or depressive black metal two of my ever so dear bands Katatonia and Lifelover falls into this genre and just today I discovered a new great band named Autumnblaze which also plays depressive rock... so now I travel to youtubeland to find some nice song of them to put on here and guess what? I find the song... and the clip that someone has made from it... consists of fragments from one of my all time favorite [if not number one] movies Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind this is just..... perfect ^^
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