- what?
- I know why I am chronically single
- oh really? and why is that so
- well you see.. I've come to conclusion that I have thins strange vibe coming out of myself and this thing it... you know people like me
- they mostly do yes
- so you will like me you might even fall for me and once in a while someone somehow menages to do that but...
- but
- but we will never ever be together
- even if you like the persons who's fallen for you
- even if I love the person who's fallen for me.. we will never be together... I am almost like some kinda mythical creature -giggle-
- walking around.. charming people
- it's almost like I would have some sorta force field around me
- hmm.. that almost makes sense you really do stand somewhere else than others don't you
- mhm I am an observer.. oh but this is ever so interesting I feel almost like
- terra incognita
- exactly -wicked smile-

- why is it always the other way around for me?
- cause you're an outlaw
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