I am getting a bit addicted to this song... for a shame I couldn't find the a video or the track in the net so if you want to hear it you'll have to download the album "...and the Moon Was Hungry..."
but I found the lyrics :3
The kisses of peace
Started off the evening
Reasonless fairs so well
A girded pair we are
We watch our words
And pretend not to care
The last time we touched
Was on the left side of the porch
Desire for days, but
Buttons never left their ports
'Cause the kiss is in the chemicals
Who needs a lover when you've got a new best friend
What could be better than this alibi
This feeling that I wouldn't care if I were dead
If you pinch me now I wouldn't flinch
The beauty's in the chemicals
That qualifies the kiss
Ahoy, ahoy, ahoy, ahoy...a whore
You take my hand
You want to lead me to the porch again
I'm sorry dear but this time I must insist
That we set sail from here.
'Cause the kiss is in the chemicals
Who needs a lover when you've got a new best friend
What could be better than my alibi
This feeling that I wouldn't care if I were dead
If you pinch me now I wouldn't flinch
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