gosh I love them and adore them ever so much [by the way the song you hear now... well at least should her now is The Gothic Embrace by Draconian] so Draconian is a Swedish gothic/doom metal band. and the fact why I adore them so much is cause they have find the way to mix thous two very dear to me metal genres together [gothic and doom metal] so the combination of them bout makes this ever so magnificent doomy yet gothy atmosphere. it just feels like a night in abondaned cathedral [gosh I love it so very much]. the doom of abondened place yet the gothy spirit catheral is holding and ofcurse the night which also magnificaly cambines them bout doom and gothy spirit. also the lyrics are adorable. a bit angry but not like a death metal angry just un pleasent with something. full of grief and solitude. and ofcurse the anti-christ stream that floats trough all their songs [that's probably the core of this upsest spirit]. ofcurse Lisa Johanson and hers ever so sweet voice and Anders Jacobsson with his funeral doom alike grouvls and doomfull monologues. over in all Draconian is truly the best gothic/doom metal band I have ever heard and I adore them so cause the atmosphere which floats trough all they creations. true masterpiece maker band. and when ever some of their track comes down my path I am in must to hear it till it's final note and mostly even after that I have to hear more. like a fly in the night finds the only shineing bulp and rushes forvard to it then starting to bumpb around and around I when ever hear a note from Draconian rush to where ever I can get to hear more.
I bow my unworthy head in front of this ever so magnificent crew.
"I am truly left alone,but somehow... just somehowit feels like my loneliness is a victoryover the self-delusion of joy... and happiness."

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