

DSMB [Depressive Suicidal Black Metal] I think the name says it all... it's a black metal genre in which I am kinda into.. wanted to say that I am lately getting into it but then realized that I am familiar with this sub-genre for some time already. and I have to admit that I like this sub-genre very much ^^ or relationtips started hmm... my memory is weakened so I mostly can not remeber beginnings of lot of things.. this one inclueding but I think my first DSBM expirience could be with Thy Light album Suici.De.Pression I am not 100% sure but I have serious doubts that it could be so. the album was in demo quality but still with first song "Crawling worm in a world of lies" the decision was made - I need more of this... so now I am familiar with many more DSBM artists and enjoy them all... so what makes DSBM different? well first of all it is more atmospheric than plain black metal but in it's atmosphere it hasn't lost that harsh sound which black metal holds so it can't be described as atmospheric black metal... it just sounds more depressing than black metal does actualy instead of black metal it does sound depressive... hard to expline but hope you got the point... and second of all ofrcurse there are lyrics... tough thanks to black metal vocals they can rarely be understood still you can read them and enjoy the suicidal mode they are carrying within [atleast I do so] ofcurse not all DSBM sings about suicide motion.. but it does hold signs of depression into themselfs. once I just cassualy listened to some DSBM stuff and realized why does it's called so.... because only one in depressive motion can listen to something like that kinda funny isn't it? anywho.... if darkness ever comes to vistit you don't forget to check out some DSBM you probably will find it listening worth... followings are the artists I could suggest from my side: Thy Light, Lofelover [isn't that a cute little name for a DSBM band?], Anti, Black Autumn [his album Rivers Of Dead Leaves is one of the best albums I have ever heard], Nyktalgia, ColdWorld.

Let the all mighty darkness lead your way trough the day, Shadow Mistress

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