just found them out last night and already... I am in love. my friend [she goes to music school so she is kinda into classical music but not only because of the school it's also because classical music just is something very very amazing a good thing to get into... so anywho.. she sent me some music pieces from this artists she is lately getting into.. a lot.. the artists is Olivier Messiaen. as my friend said... she has no idea when did he born but he died the year she was born - 1992. so this guy is a modern classicist.. made his works while he was in a concentration camp and the thing is that he made them for the instruments that were available there [not much as you could guess]. his works has this nice light smell of schyzo... and as I am such person who just loves anything shyzo I also felt for this guy too... thenI just checked the tags for him in last.fm [I have another topic where I explain some things about this little thingy but yeah so the listeners tag artists and puts them into some genres by thous tags like "rock,metal,pop" but also some smaller genres like "ambient, avant-garde, sheogaze" and sucha... so I find out that this guy also is known as awant-garde artists [if you don't know what avant-garde is just google or wiki it] so as the next album on my playlist I put something I already had from avant-garde - Sleep Time Gorilla Museum... the band is nice but something didn't felt like me... so I chcked what else last.fm can provide as an avant-garde and there at the top were Ulver... so ofcurse I made a rush to RockBox [metal musics torrent tracker... but not only metal] search for it and got an album named "Svidd Neger" started to listen to it somewhere about midnight and end at 1:30 am.... now in the morning I once again find myself listening to in and what can I say... it's fucking gorgeous and I adore it ever so much [I am listening to it right now too]. sometimes it feels like a filmmusic but what can I say.. I love films and everything about them... but yeah also a very great minimalism floats trough this album. till now I can only talk about one album cause that's the only thing I got but now I am downloading other albums too. by the way Ulver started out as a black metal band [isn't that adorable ^^] and which is even if I may say more "ohh my satan no way" the band comes from Norway... and for me.. what ever comes from Norway is great itself [you know it's the born land for gothic and black metal... but I love the contry itself too] and their name "Ulver" means wolves in Norwegian... almost too many amazing discoveries for one night -giggle- but yeah... it's one of my greatest finds out in last time and ohh how could I not know about them before. so yeah in short words about Ulver - atmosphereic, minimalism, ambient and ever so adorable music. [great pic also]
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