
have you heard the new hit? it's even more shallow then the last one

modern music... what do we imagine hearing these words? mostly the top music.. the MTV or top 40 music and what is that? some 3 min pop piece with mostly 4 lines of text and maximums 5 sec of rhythm that's going on a loop... adding some synthetic sounds and here you go.. a new top hit. and beside all that the text [which at least for me plays a great role in a song] is not some serious deep tough for what I could forgive being just 4 lines long... no.. it's some text about being drunk and horny... and I ask myself.. why is that so? why modern world is so obsessed with such music? why they rather listens to some chick singing to one beat about her last night not some life long expirienced band telling about ways of life and intelligence and all this text is escorted by polyphonic melodies... but I think I know the answer to this question...... comfort and easynes... that is what modern man cares about.. everything has to be as easy doneable as possible just look on the modern technologies everything goes to make or lifes as simply as possible... so is with the mind... music is one of thous things that your mind has to work with and as any other activity trains some part of your body music trains your head.. your brains and your ability to understand... but modern man is lazy in it's core.. it wants everything to be as easy done as possible.. and that includes the things that minds has to done... the things one should understand... modern music only represents what modern man is longing for.. and no matter how much it would sadden me I have to admit that modern society is going twords simplyfying.. and not elegant minimalism no but just plain easyness... it doensn't want to make ones mind work to hard whyle trying to get into meaning full music.. it wants it all done easy.... easy done... easy understandable...... that is the illness of modern world... and it sickens me to the core.. I can truly say.... I am discused with the modern world

with late greetings and dim head, yours Shadow mistress

p.s. I would like to thank my dear sir PsychoAngel726 for the question and I hope I have replyed to it properly


silence and stilness

For a long time I haven't wrote anything in here and I am ashamed for that. But what can I say.. a period silence was needed indeed just to get over and past some things and what can I say... silence heals.. it has always done and always will... also the everyday rush gives me no break of it's tight grab... but I am still here still alive ^^ and now the time has come when I want to become bigger, darker and simply wise.. "It is time to spread my wings, to fill this empty hole"... I want to feel life rushing trough my rusted vanes oh how great the desire is
Fall is in it's highest oh my autumn oh how I love thee
autumn break is next week so I'll probably work a little in here then but for now
Let the all mighty darkness lead your way trough the day,

humbly yours - Shadow mistress